Monday, March 16, 2009

Tired and feeling like shit .

on our last post, we said that we would write abt our loveey- dovey lives. hahaks. * OMG we sound so cute .(tim)
obviously we couldnt get laid in like a DAY
so, we're gonna talk abt.......SHOPPING !!!!!
Uhh, no we lieed, but about frisbee
Now, lets get things straight, frisbee is NOT a dogs game !!!
or maybe it is
who knws?
k so today we r gonna be studying togetha...thts gonna be soo awesome
3 hrs non-stop studying!!!...or so my dad thinks..hahaks!(johan)hehe hehe

so, we're going for lunch at a.y.c . and let us introduce to you guys the magic or , the rainbow that will make you food extra yummy. its called "KUAH KAMBING" !!!!! (tim) it goes with EVERYTHINGGG !!
andd.. damn we're hungry.
k bye.